Sales Sales in Indo Indones nesia ia sinc since e 1985, 1985, First First facto factory ry in Indo Indones nesia ia 1996, 1996, Expans Expansion ion prod product uction ion factor factory y in MM2100 MM2100 Bekasi Bekasi 2005 Expans Expansion ion Jotun Jotun Distrib Distributio ution n Center Center in 2015 2015 No 1 in Marine segment No 1 in Protective segment No 1 in Powder Coating Segment Top 3 in Decorative segment Branch Offices in Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Balikpapan, Medan, Makasar and Batam

Among Among the 20 largest paint companies in the world.Regional Regional Lab and and R&D in UEA,No UEA,Norway, rway,USA, USA,China China,S.Ko ,S.Korea,a rea,and nd Malaysia Malaysia.Jotun Indonesia Jotun Paint SchoolĮs Esta tabl blis ishe hed d sin since ce 192 1926 6 Head Head offic office e in Sand Sandefj efjord ord, Norwa Norway y Tu Turn rnov over er 2,1 2,1 bill bill USD USD (201 (2015) 5) More More then t00 emp emplo loye yees es 71 companies companies in 45 countries countries, with 36 Produc Production tion Facilities Facilities in 19 countries, represented in more then 90 countries in the world Jotun Green Stepīy : Mocham Mochamad ad Rizal Efendi Technical Training - TSS Performance Coatings PT. Paintin Painting g Application Application 7.