If you already have an Ariba Network account, you can log-in with your existing account information after clicking "Get started" below. Configure PO and Invoice Routing and Notification.If you are new to the Ariba network, enablement consists of the following steps: "As a University of Washington (UW) supplier, we are requesting that you join the SAP Business Network (also known as the Ariba network) to transact electronically for purchase orders and invoicing.

The e-mail invitation will be from "University of Washington ", with subject line "Connect with University of Washington to Collaborate on the SAP Business Network" and message: Suppliers will receive a Trading Relationship Request (TRR) invitation via email containing instructions for either joining the Ariba Network or linking their existing Ariba Network account with UW. What Suppliers and Subrecipients Need to Know There is no commitment or guaranteed business as a result of becoming a registered Ariba or University supplier. Expand business opportunities through exposure to other potential customers using the Ariba Network.Leverage the full suite of UW buying options, including Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs).Create and transmit invoices electronically to the University.Receive purchase orders electronically from the University.Registering for the SAP Business Network (also known as Ariba Network) will allow suppliers to: This is a separate additional process from the Supplier Registration Form and Electronic Payment Enrollment steps of supplier onboarding, and may be required if a UW department needs a Blanket Purchase Order (BPO).

While suppliers may see 'SAP Business Network' when creating a new Ariba Network account, and/or logging into existing Ariba Network account(s), the University of Washington (UW) is still utilizing the 'Ariba Network' service offered by 'SAP Business Network.' IMPORTANT: On the 'Ariba Network' will be referred to as 'SAP Business Network' to encapsulate SAP's many network services under one name.